Sunday, May 3, 2020

Hootsuite Certification Blog Post (CIS-141 Week 15)

As part of the CIS-141 coursework, we the students were afforded an opportunity to get Hootsuite platform and Hootsuite Social Marketing certified.

It is part of our grading for the series of the course and the grade depends on the grade you get on the certification test. I'm happy to announce that after several attempts of taking the exam that I passed!

I decided to chart out my progress over the testing attempts I took.

As you can see, the first attempt did not go very well. My first grade was a 60% and passing is 80%. This attempt was taken without reviewing the material prior to taking the exam. As you can tell, the test questions were more challenging than I had originally expected. I took the remainder of the day to review the materials that I thought I did poorly on and took the next day off for personal reasons (I had a doctor's appointment that ate up most of my day). The next day I took the test 3 times with my best scoring on my first attempt at a 77%. After scoring in or near the 70s with each attempt, I took another day to really cram for the exam and as you can see I finally passed on 5/3! I am so excited!

Two cool benefits of the certification process that I found out is that the certifications never expire and our Hootsuite Academy accounts also include a bonus platform certification which I plan on taking in the coming week. Why not? If they never expire, it will look excellent on a resume!

Overall, I am very pleased with the outcome of this certification exam and social media course progress. That's it for week 15! Onward to the final exam!